Back from the Living Dead...
A very happy and joyous Solstice to you all!
What exciting and vibrant times we are living in, don't you think?
Or is it still for you a very dark and troubling time we are living through? If it is then you have my heartfelt empathy, because I know full well what that is like.
Everywhere you look is darkness, despair, doom and gloom.
Consider for a moment though, if you will humour me, that maybe somebody, somewhere, doesn't want you to feel happy, and positive and powerful. That somebody, somewhere hates you, and wants to keep you down and depressed; wants you to believe that there is nothing you can do about anything. Which, of course, is a lie!
If that was the case, and I did say "if", then what would you do about it?
Pick up a gun and go find them and shoot them dead? You'd never get close!
Take the frustration and rage it inspires in you and inflict it on anyone who so much as looks your way? You'd be playing into "their" hands, spreading the hate they intended all along for you to spread.
Or keep your head down, looking at the pavement, or your feet, and never daring to rock the boat in-case "they" decide to hurt you? What is it that frightens you so much?
Do you not know that You are indestructable?
Or....would you decide to beat them?
Would you say no to "them" and "their" hate and "their" unjust laws? Would you stand up straight and look the evil in the eye and let it know that you are NOT dead yet.
You are NOT a zombie!
If you do then be sure of this.
You cannot beat "them" (whoever "they" may be) at their own game.
"They" hold all the aces after all. The deck has been rigged from the start, and the dealer is a friend of "theirs".
No. If they attack you with hate, you need to respond with love. If they attack you with fear, respond with courage. If they attack you with violence, respond with peace. If they attack you with doubt and confusion, respond with certainty and simplicity.
And whatever else you do or don't do this wonderful time of year, for Gods sake, for my sake and for your sake, for everyone’s sake; Look Up!
For there is nothing of any real interest on the pavement, and your feet will always be there to look at, if that's your thing.
So, Look UP!
Every eye to the sky!
Love Courage and Strength to you all.
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