Thursday, 27 December 2012

Back from the Living Dead

Hello my friends. I do hope you all had a great time these last few days!

I admit I do tend towards cynicism when it comes to Christmas these days. I am trying not to, but I do. The whole rampant festival of commercialism and greed that we seem to get subjected to earlier every year, along with the financial and social pressure it can put some folk under (especially those with young families) does conspire at times to annoy me.

However, that said I do believe that all in all it is a good thing that for at least one month a year we all remember to try to be pleasant to each other!

I recall, vauguely, the years I spent homeless, living in hostels or sofa surfing, over the Yule Tide. They really only stick in my mind because of the extra money I expected, and always made, over those couple of weeks in December whilst begging here on the streets of Leicester, or elsewhere. There is not much else about those times that stick in my mind to be honest, at least not clearly.

Easy money, hard drugs, soft women…
…tough old life…..kind of.

Because you see as an addict you do not really get a holiday, ever.

It is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week, 365 day a year occupation.

Your boss is very demanding, taking every penny you earn in stoppages and forgiving nothing!

However, I do not want to talk about drug addiction today, at least not directly.

My subject of choice today is that other bugbear of mine; homelessness.

Because yes it is true that from about the 10th until the 30th of this magical and wonderful month folk do seem to notice the homeless more than usual. This is great in so far as it goes, and if you allowed the spirit of Saint Nick to enter you this year and gave a few more pounds away, or bought one or two more Big Issues perhaps, than you normally would then good on you, nice one.

 I know it was appreciated.

However, let us not forget that the same homeless, desperate, lonely, needy and lost people are always with us.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

And resolving that big issue should really be a full-time occupation for all our minds!

Love Courage and Strength to you all,

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