Saturday, 25 September 2010

A free and just world, with equal rights and opportunities for all. Do me a favour!

So I'm sitting here listening to the latest crap that the power mad politicians are spouting. Reading about the latest cruelties that human folk, just like you and me, are committing against each other across this God forsaken planet. Watching the odd video warning me about global conspiracies to create a "New World Order" (apparently there's this club of egocentric billionaires planning a future where only half a billion of humanities best and brightest will get to live forever in some star trek like adventure exploring the universe and cheating death by the use of an endless resource of harvested organs and alien inspired technology that will make them immortal, somehow. Talk about deluded! Silly old men scared of their own mortality, either because they are pure materialists who fear the oblivion of non-existence, or because deep in their souls they fear the possibility that they will be held accountable for the evil that their power addicted lives have caused! ), or inviting me to commit to some vague 4 year plan to turn the world into some kind of Utopian dream, and it all gets me thinking. What exactly can I do to ensure that whenever Sister Skuld finally cuts the thread of my life off, that I will have left this world in some way a slightly better place than I found it? I can hardly pretend that I have done a good job of it so far, having spent my youth being something of a one man petty crime wave, my twenties running around in a speed induced mania, and my thirties so far spent mostly in an opiate induced trance like semi wakeful sate! I seem to be one of those folk who despite being essentially a decent hearted and generous man seems unable to maintain any emotional attachments to my fellow humans without in the end causing them pain or loss or suffering of some kind. Yet here I am, committed at least to never surrender to any of the social dogmas and expectations that the perverse power structures of this world seem hell bent on ramming down my throat, and equally determined to remain true to my own twisted and confused set of principles.
It is a fact of the society I have grown up in that people like me, who have walked along the dangerous precipice of drug use, abuse and addiction their whole lives, are looked down upon by most folk. There is this perception that only the most deviant or deficient of humans would ever succumb to such an obviously harmful and predictably self destructive lifestyle. Yet the more time I spend wrestling with the necessities of survival the clearer it becomes to me that every human alive is in some way an addict, most of them living their lives blissfully in ignorance or denial as to the nature of their own irrational dependence, and willfully dismissive of any personal accountability for the pure murderous and ruthless evil that is perpetrated by their suppliers so that they can maintain their addiction. What addiction am I talking about here? Money addiction of course. How many of us can say, hand on heart, that we are not in some way completely dependant, both physically and psychologically, to this irrational concept of money? To me the fact that it is a pure con, and that the nature of it's power is down to peoples susceptibility to mind control and peer pressure is obvious. Money serves no intrinsic purpose, we cannot eat it, build or create with it, get high on it. What we think of as money is a token of somebodies ability to pay the price printed or minted on it's surface and has no real value at all! Yet from day one of our lives we are conditioned and indoctrinated to believe that the pursuit and amassing of this product is not only necessary but also a worthy way to spend ones life. We rate the value and worth of our fellow humans according to the levels of this abstract idea that they can draw upon. We occasionally, those of us with a conscience that is, pay some kind of acknowledgment to the evil nature of the worlds treatment of those nations that seem to lack the resources or the leadership to be considered an economic force in the world. Yet at the same time we continue to enjoy the relative comfort and luxury of our lives, bought and paid for by their suffering and despair. We all seem to believe that by sending our troops and launching our missiles against these poverty stricken places, indiscriminately murdering countless innocent individuals, and destroying their homes, their cultural centers, their places of worship and education, that we are manifestly proving ourselves the "good guys". We applaud our leaders for freeing them, and think how fortunate they are that we enlightened countries care enough to drag them by force and often into the same cultural and spiritual vacuum that we ourselves have been brain washed into thinking of as "civilised" and "normal" and "developed". At the same time our own citizens are sinking by the millions into a ever deeper pit of emotional and psychological despair, killing ourselves slowly with junk food and narcotics, both legal and illegal. We run around the place in ever faster and more polluting means of transport desperately trying to keep up with the ever growing need we have been subjected to from birth, and accusing of insanity or  moral deficiency those few individuals who try, with heroic but i fear often futile efforts, to break the mold and formulate some other mode of community that depends not on grasping hold of what consumable or tangible possessions we can, regardless of where it leaves those less able to compete, but rather on a more idealistic philosophy of community and co-operation, where the strong protect and nurture the weak, instead of exploiting their weakness and benefiting from their misery and desperation.
So yes, I am a junky. The lowest of the low right? The scourge of our modern world and the cause of all our social problems. A danger to our children and a threat to the stability of our social order. Am I? Really? I just though I was a mixed up guy, carrying with him a deep sense of self loathing and a seemingly incurable frustration with the unjust, unbalanced and uncaring world he finds himself in, constantly amazed at the willful blindness of those around him, who refuse to even consider the possibility that the universe does not run on the laws and principles their Vampric Masters and Scientific Priests have convinced them that it does, and who tries by whatever means he can to desensitise himself to the seemingly hopelessness of the scenario he has become a player in. I don't know anymore if it is me who is in a trance like semi wakeful state, or if in reality, I am one of the few who are fully aware yet locked in some other nightmare that is not my own, rather one that has been consciously created around us with such skill and cynical purpose as to force us to ignore the urgings of our souls to reach for the Heavens and unite with the Divine Principle. Keeping us distracted from our own awesome potential by making it impossible to do anything but preoccupy ourselves with the constant need to ward off the withdrawal symptoms, that can and will be fatal, if we do not satisfy our most pernicious and perennial of addictions. I am a junky alright, and so are you, and him, and her and them, all of us desperately and hopelessly addicted to money.

When in the name of sense and reason are we all going to wake the fuck up and do our rattle, sweat it out, suffer the pain of transition, so as to pave the way forward for our future generations to truly be free and united and safe and fed. Because if we allow this status-quo to continue, and refuse to contemplate a reality where money addiction is neither a worthy or necessary way to spend our lives, then it is fair to say that maybe those mad, frightened and deluded old men may get their wish after all. We are the ones here now who have to make this choice. It's just like coming off heroin, no-body can make you do it, you have got to want to do it and make it happen yourself, and the first step? Admitting that we have a problem.

So what will I do next? I don't have a job, I refuse to claim benefits, nobody owes me a living right? So I guess then it is obvious. I will eventually waste away and die as a result of my money withdrawal symptoms, the only comfort being that I am certain in my belief that evil is not the true master of the cosmos. By it's own nature it will always be the author of it's own destruction, and at some far off time in the future the essential truth will become apparent, that to do what is right is to be true to yourself, and not sell off your humanity by sacrificing the sovereignty and lives of others less powerful than you, for the sake of a longer, more comfortable, less risky life. Good will out, and the evil perpetrators of injustice and deception will, like all of us, one day be made to account for themselves and the decisions they made, and the crimes they committed against the defensless. If I am wrong, and all that awaits me is oblivion, then at least it will be preferable to this pit of corruption and deception we call Earth.

Peace and Love everyone, sleep tight & try not to have any nightmares!

1 comment:

  1. Just want to be clear, I am currently on benefits, and I am not currently a Junky!
