Fundamental Personal Beliefs (about Drugs Mostly)!
(by Alan Robert Mitchell)
1. Drugs, in the entirety of that term, are essential for the continued survival & evolution of The Human Race.
2. In the context of open public discussion, it is unhelpful, & most likely impossible, to separate the term “drugs” into categories, or degrees, of moral acceptability.
3. Every individual's personal experiences, emotions & opinions are of equal validity & importance. (In other words, we can all learn something useful from everyone, as everyone can learn something useful from us!)
4. Generally speaking, (with the possible exception of those whose involvement is solely financially motivated), everyone involved in the public discussion shares the same, or similar, ultimate aims & objectives which are broadly speaking; an end to the physical, emotional, psychological, & socio-economic trauma that drugs & drug dependence cause individuals, families, communities, & our species as a whole.
5. The inherent curiosity in human beings about consciousness & the various ways open to us to experience, manipulate & explore that phenomena, is not a deviant or immoral characteristic, & should not be condemned or feared as such, for it is unhelpful, with regards to achieving the above mentioned aims, to do so.
6. Most (not all) of our current cultural perceptions of psychoactives (in particular our associations of evil) are the result of deliberate propagandist methods of social conditioning, including a tendency to sensationalise & simplify, sometimes with the agenda of achieving the same aims as mentioned above , but often with the extra agenda of controlling the populace, & not the result of a determined collective effort to understand the human relationship, past & present, with psychoactives.
7. To allow powerful, mind altering & unmonitored substances to be sold to people of any age, is fundamentally wrong, & to seek effective ways of bringing an end to this is a moral obligation to our worlds future generations that we all share equally.
8. The continued financing of known unprincipled, rougue militant, mis-guided visionary, criminal & indiscriminately violent & murderous organisations, through uncontrolled, unhindered drug distribution should be combated & it is our moral obligation to seek effective methods for doing this.
9. Corruption at high levels of business & politics is unavoidable while the rewards are so very high, but this should not be tolerated by an aware & democratic populace. No matter what the price, betrayal of public trust is never justifiable & a legally administered & scientifically safeguarded licensed trade & distribution infrastructure, alongside a long term plan of genuine compulsory EDUCATION, is the only obvious way forward in reducing the corruptible power of the drugs trade.
10. Current legislation is self contradictory, unscientifically inspired, & is proven to be counterproductive in reducing the harms mentioned in point 4 on many levels & in many contexts.
11. We, who are aware of the truth within these statements, are under a moral obligation to find workable solutions for society's present & future generations & the obvious first step for achieving this is to seek comprehensive understanding of all the issues. This can most effectively be done through open, honest public discussion & a commitment to improving our individual & collective understanding of the relationship, past & present, between humanity & it's motives for & methods of experiencing psychoactive effects, as well as the inherent danger of psychological & physical dependence & ways of preventing, or at the least prevailing over, said dependencies.
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