People, people, people; Put Down your Guns for Goodness Sake!
Seems like everywhere I turn there is news of more atrocities and needless violence these days. In Pakistan it is seemingly out of control, in the USA it is equally so.
I just want to say to anyone out there on this troubled Globe who has lost a loved one to this recent wave of violence, you have my wholehearted compassion and hopes for a better tomorrow.
Personally I feel that when a person resorts to such violence it is because they have reached the limit of their intelligence and imagination and can therefore conjure up no other solution to the inadequacies of their ego and their emotional state.
Here is a thought, you may well think it naive or simplistic but I urge you to try it anyway.....
Next time you feel the blood rising and the anger swelling inside of you (that increasing tumesence of rage that can fill your consciousness to the point where it drives out all other feelings, all other sense. Oh yes, I know it and I know it well!) instead of grabbing hold of your weapon of choice and increasing the pain and anguish we all feel in the face of needless and avoidable death or injury; why not try taking a breath and asking yourself one or two simple questions?
If the shoe was on the other foot, what would you hope to happen?
If that person or those people you are so angry with were your own children or siblings, spouse or parents; how would you deal with it?
....Because they are you know?
We are all somebodies children, siblings spouse or parents. We all feel pain and frustration and rage just as keenly as each other. We all share similar hopes and dreams for the future, and the same anguish if we should see those hopes dashed against an unreasonable shore, if we know it or not.
And we ALL BLEED RED whatever the colour of our skin or of our flag!
So come on people, for the Love of God, put down the guns eh? Please?
Thank you.
Love Courage and Strength to you all,
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