Back from the Living Dead…
(The Joys of Childhood?)
I had an interesting childhood.
I enjoyed every minute of it, even the ones that hurt like hell at the time.
I know that may sound oxymoronic, and maybe it is. I certainly didn't look like I was enjoying myself throughout all those long dark nights of the soulless. Yet revelled in it I did, and struggled and fought and resisted viciously any notion of growing up. I wanted to stay in that child like state forever and woe betides any fool who tried to tell me there was a need to change; to mature.
Of course the childhood I am talking about here has lasted 40 years and to be fair it isn't quite over yet. However now, finally, I am seeing at long last not only the need to change, to grow up as it were, but also the wondrous things out there, as well as inside of me, that are available for anyone to learn and enjoy if they will let go of their childlike assumptions about “reality” and egotistical motives for behaving in predictably harmful ways.
I have a problem with anger.I have a bit of a temper on me.
I can be a bit nasty at times.
It is absurd really the way I have shook my puny little fists at the Heavens all these years; the pathetic and powerless rage of an infant in the face of calm adult certainty; the naïve refusal to accept change, to accept the Inevitable.
One thing that has been making me angry of late is this relentless and persistent effort from certain other corners of Humanity to resist the Inevitable.
“Fascists!” I have cried out at them.
“Evil hearted fools!” I have condemned them as.
“Zombie people!” I have judged them to be.
Well, maybe there was some truth in those rants or maybe not, but the more I watch the skies these days and the more I focus Inwards, as well as Outwards, to learn and enjoy those wondrous things I mentioned before, the more obvious and apparent it becomes to me what exactly I am seeing in the behaviour of these people.
Children enjoying their toys.
Children who do not want, or see any need, to grow up.
Immature minds in denial that are determined to resist the winds of change no matter what it costs them, or anyone else!
“For when I was a child I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.”
Now I am becoming, at long last, a mature human; that is to say a truly sentient being and so I am putting those childish notions and ways behind me. Slowly for sure, but I am doing it.
Do you have faith in Humanity, or in God or in Yourself? Good because I feel sure you are going to need it. However, remember that a day is coming when faith will be swallowed up in sight.
Do you have hope for a better tomorrow? Good, I believe hope is what keeps us all going and I know from experience that without it we seek only death and oblivion. However, remember that a day is coming when all our hopes will be realised in actuality.
Do you have Love?
Ah, Love……
…. “for even if we can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and even if we have faith enough to move mountains but have no Love, we are NOTHING.”
Yes you are right, these are not my words but I repeat them here because I for one am certain that the time for those inevitable changes to occur is almost upon us and the thing we will need most of all when those changes arrive is Love.
I believe it is self evident that we are right now, as I write this and as you read it, moving into a new epoch of Humanities history, of Humanities here and now. I also believe it will be a time when the Truth will finally become self evident.
The truth that change cannot be avoided or prevented.
The truth that we are all One.
One with each other,
One with our world,
One with the Infinite,
One with the Inevitable.
“One Universe, One People.”
So for now these three remain: faith hope and love.
What is Eternal, Perennial and Undeniable (by anyone other than a petulant child that is) is LOVE.
“Every eye to thesky” folks!
Love, Courage and Strength to you all,
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