Saturday, 12 December 2015

To teakettleBBQ......

Money makes nothing right.

Money makes us all easy prey for the manipulators, corrupter's and would be world controllers.

People do things they believe they must, sometimes they believe what they do is right and sometimes they know damn well what they are doing is wrong.

People are complex creatures, full of conflicting motives and desires, instincts and aspirations.

I feel certain that the currency paradigm must come to an end. Reality is not monetized. Reality does not exist within the confines of our self imposed mind prisons of belief and normalcy. There is no natural or universal necessity for currency.

If we have access to life's natural resources - i.e. access to clean water, clean air, healthy land and food, adequate shelter and opportunity within a supportive and visionary community to express and explore our own potential, then we have no need of this money concept at all.

Money gives us access to goods and services, and we rely on it because we have no truly supportive and visionary community we can rely on instead. We fear poverty for the same reason.

Does money really make our lives any the richer or more meaningful?

How can money make things right when it means making things easy for some and hard for others?

Personally, I cannot rest easy in comfort and convenience knowing that by the very act of doing so I am supporting a social structure and imbalance of power and control of life that allows massive poverty, slavery (sexual, manual, mental etc) dis-possession, exploitation and abuse to continue.

I feel certain that the reality of a "rich" & "poor" dichotomy must come to an end if we are to take our place within the wider reality and community of sentience in our universe.

I feel certain that this change is happening as more and more people come together to seek ways of living outside of the financial and social structures, unaccountable authorities and traditional expectations that have kept us all dis-empowered and dis-connected for far too long.

I feel certain that the great awakening, and great upheaval, taking place is part of a process that will eventually bring us to a truly egalitarian civilisation and one that will be truly "of the people", with no need for privileged classes or ruling elites or any notion of militarism. A civilisation where people, energy, resources, land and information will flow freely around the whole globe without restriction, pollution, corruption, exploitation and without exception.

I feel certain that a time will come when Earth will be a place where every sentient life is able to fully explore it's own existence, it's own nature and it's own relationship with things like "mind", "belief", "knowledge" "need" " desire" etc. Without the imposed limitations of the necessity of acquisition.

Our world will be a beacon of hope, and the affirmation of the sanctity and beauty of life, to all sentient beings and peoples throughout the cosmos.

In the main though I agree with you, now people do not know any better than they know, and act according to that level of understanding and awareness.

Sadly however, all too often we do know exactly what we are doing wrong and what effect it will have and what pain it will cause, but we go ahead and do it anyway, regardless of who suffers.

My poem asks the question why?

I think the answer is because that is the kind of creatures we are. Because it satisfies some craving or other within us and due to the egotism we suffer from, that false dichotomy of "me" and "not me", people tend to live as if our feelings and our desires matter more than those of "others", when they do not matter more.

They are of equal significance and importance and should be respected as such.

We are complex, troubled by the mystery of our own existence and it's unknown implications, driven by often unexplored and unacknowledged desires and we are extraordinary.

We can each be very beautiful, and we all have an ugly side too.

We must not be afraid to look squarely at our own ugliness and acknowledge it, understand it and make it understand that it is ugliness, not beauty.

To paraphrase Jung - we have to make the darkness conscious.

Then, and only then, can we source the meaning of our lives from the unavoidable beauty we shall come to see in ourselves and each other.

Peace and Plenty to you teakettleBBQ!


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