Wednesday, 30 November 2016


I Don't Want to Talk Politics No More

I don't want to, I really don't, I find it such a bore,
The politics, the arguments, the struggle at the core.

I want to discuss fairies, ET's and that thing folk call “God”,
I want to get blind drunk and dance like a silly sod,
I want to rip my clothes off and dive into the sea,
I want to drop some disco biscuits and let everyone love me.

I want to paint my face with hearts and hippie signs,
I want to wear bright colours and extravagant designs,
I want to talk of love and all the meanings of that word,
I want to hear loud rock music with lyrics that are absurd.

I want to sleep with crystals and cats and tarot cards to boot,
I want to get on my knees and ask forgiveness for my next toot...

...But I cannot stop with the politics that are killing everyone,
I cannot stop because I care,

And I see that it's all wrong.

I'd really love to party hard just party on and on,
But the politics

These damnable fucking politics

Are killing everyone.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

I'm Stepping Out

I'm Stepping Out

Stepping outside Time, I see the Timeless

Whole - Divine,

I see the senseless delusion of this, that,

yours and mine,

I see that Every Where and Every When

is developing just fine.


Looking into futures I see ours as

Blood and Fire,

I see Every One and Every Thing

Burning with Desire,

I see the Devil laughing as He pats Us

on the bum,

I see the Horror, Fear and Fury

of Every Thing to come.


I live and have my Being within this

Field of Time,

Thus I need Faith in Objective Truth

 Timeless Whole - Divine.

Monday, 5 September 2016


Truth Is....

Truth is...



Inconsistent with constancy.

Truth is...

Not your point of view,

Neither mine nor theirs,

Somewhere in between.

Truth is...

We are all to blame,

We all do the same,

Hypocritical things.

Truth is...

People are fluid,

Ever changing,

Motives and beliefs.

Truth is...

You, I and everyone,

Have a choice.

Grateful for life,

Or not.

The most profound question

In the Bible

Was asked by the man

With the power to prevent

The crucifixion.

What is Truth?”

Thursday, 18 August 2016

What can you do to protect and preserve your environment?

I want to talk today about the situation in Europe being called a "refugee crisis" by some and a "migrant crisis" by others.

It is true that we are facing a crisis of people displacement on a scale our corner of the world has not seen for a very long time, and it is likely going to get worse before it gets any better.

This crisis is not new. It has been going on for a very long time. Certainly on some level I have been aware of this crisis for most of my life, and in the last few years this awareness has increased alongside my willingness to do something about it.

The crisis we are actually facing is an environmental one.

However, I mean this in an holistic sense of the word.

Because our environment has many aspects and if we are to create a better future for our world and it's diverse denizens then I do not believe we can afford any longer to approach any of the situations and challenges we face in isolation to each other.

The problem is holistic in the sense that it affects every area of our lives, and subverts every nuance of the meaning of our lives.

Our solutions must therefore be holistic also.

The crisis we are facing, and have been facing all of our lives is one of imbalance. We are suffering from an imbalance of our global, societal and internal environments.

Because these are all under attack, and we are in danger on all of these levels of what I perceive to be an irreversible sea change.

There are three interdependent realities we need to recognise in this current paradigm as being under attack.

Number 1) Our ecological environment. The reality of our bio-sphere, our Mother Earth, and all the expressions of life that it has given to the universe, and will continue to sustain for as long as it will be able to.

Number 2) Our cultural environment. The reality of the Fraternity of Humanity and all the creative, altruistic, ingenious and spiritual impulses and ideals that family has expressed, and has the future potential to explore to ever greater and more mystifying depths and heights.

Number 3) Our internal environment. The reality of you, me, every individual. Our internal psycho-spiritual selves. What it means and feels like to be a human being. What it means and feels like to be you, here, now.

And we have to examine and if necessary (as I believe it most urgently is) address the source of this attack on these three realities. And this will be difficult. It will require a willingness to self educate, self examine and where necessary engage in acts of selfless sacrifice. We may need to leave our comfort zones for a while and face some harsh truths as we face up to some hard realities.

There is of course number one, the natural ecological environment of our biosphere. The air we breathe, the water we drink and the land we live on and grow our food in. Environmental issues that stem from over-consumption and anachronistic energy production technology have contributed to the circumstances many of these people are fleeing from. We have created a world where some live in luxury and convenience becoming fat, lazy, greedy and depressed while the rest of Us live in poverty and desperation, facing increasing environmental collapse through water shortages, extreme weather events and a desperate lack of essential life sustaining resources. This has lead to an increase in conflict world-wide, an increase in corruption by corporate and governmental institutions and an increase in people seeking a better life, or even a chance of survival, away from their homelands.

We need to address these issues of course and we need to do it fast, not just for our sake, but for the sake of humanity's future and for the sake of this beautiful repository of life we call Earth.

We all know that at our current level of energy, food and resource consumption/waste this planet simply cannot sustain us for much longer. If we do not address this then the consequences for future generations on this world will be dire. Not hypothetical future generations. I'm talking about YOUR kids, and their kids.

Yet there are also other environmental aspects we need to consider that are equally dire in their implications.

So number two then is the cultural environment of our global community. The fraternity of humanity.

Equally dire is the effect we are collectively having on the future cultural environment they will grow into adults within.

A quick look at wikipedia tells us that “As a defining aspect of what it means to be human, culture is a central concept in anthropology, encompassing the range of phenomena that are transmitted through social learning in human societies.”

So our cultural environment then is essentially what we  teach our children through example. By our actions and behaviours and responses we establish within their young and impressionable minds what it means to be a member of their society, and what is culturally acceptable behaviour. They are busy right now learning from us how to respond to situations like this one.

And what are we teaching them in regard to this current crisis situation of human desperation, human need and human suffering?

That if people suffering do not look like you or talk like you then it isn't as important as the suffering of those that do?

That people from other cultures, with other ways of living, praying, eating, speaking should be always treated with suspicion and as potential threats to your own safety?

That it is enough to click on a Facebook post or send an emoticon to some abstract virtual person and consider yourself active and engaged with the reality of suffering?

That it is okay to do nothing, and at the same time feel depressed about the nothing being done? (But that's also okay because your doctor can always give you pills for that, right? )

Oh what a brave new world theirs would turn out to be!

Do we really want the next generation of people in this world to grow up into adults who think and feel this way?

Do we?

I know I don't, and I strongly suspect none of you do either, or you wouldn't reading my blog.

I would rather see our future generations mature into a truly sustainable cultural environment that values and encourages things like individual freedom of expression, sharing of resources and responsibilities, emotional honesty, generosity, kindness, compassionate courage, and pro-active solution-focused thinking and doing.

What we are currently subjected to is a perversion of what it means to be a self-aware, intelligent and emotional being. We are allowing our cultural environment to be shaped into one where razor wire fences, armed military and militarised police are acceptable and necessary parts of our everyday landscape and existence. An environment where it is “normal” and acceptable to be asked for “papers” whenever you want to travel any distance from your home. A cultural environment where it is acceptable, and indeed “normal” for the suffering and needs of other human beings to be viewed as “just shit that happens” at best, or as a potential threat to the self that must be defended against, or at worst an opportunity for personal gain to be exploited!

Is this what being human means?

I do not want any child being born today or experiencing childhood today in this world to grow up into a global culture where the regular occurrence of bodies washing up in their hundreds on beaches is “just shit that happens”. It isn't. It is a consequence of our actions as a global community and as individuals. It is a consequence of the unacceptable levels of inequality that exist in this world today and has existed for all of our lives and well into the past. It is a consequence of climate change and the effects our convenient lifestyles are having on the southern hemisphere. It is a consequence of globalisation and free markets and the daily relentless feeding of corporate entities that we all engage in every time we purchase a product. It is a consequence of our absurd reliance on fossil fuel energy monopolies and our lack of inventiveness or imagination in breaking free of that dependence. It is a consequence of the normalisation of war, and the implicit agreement, unspoken but expressed in so many ways, that it is perfectly normal, acceptable and indeed necessary for our economic and social stability to not only expect our young men and women to have the career choice of warfare, but to have a whole industry that relies on the profits gained through the sale of weapons of war. It is a consequence. It is not a natural spontaneous occurrence. It could have been prevented. It should have been prevented. We have all known for a long time how unfair, unequal and unkind the balance of resources and opportunities within our world actually is. We could have done more to redress this. We should have done more.

So what do we do now? How do we respond to this?

Well that brings me to number 3. Our internal, or psycho-spiritual environment.

We must not give up hope.

We must not stop believing in a better future.

We have to see it, conceptualise it. Build it in your imagination, just how wondrous an adventure, what a beautiful expression of joyous freedom, what a journey of mystery and discovery our lives on this world could be.

Earth could be such a paradise for humanity. It could be such an amazing place to grow up and grow old, live and die in. We could be a cosmic university. A place of profound learning, self exploration, discovery and realisation. We have the technology and the resources to make it so.

Imagine it how you would like it to be, and then do everything you can think of to make that vision a reality.

Fear will put obstacles in your way.

I do not say you must not be afraid because that is delusional.

We all get scared. I get bloody terrified much of the time in the face of what is happening in our world today, and what is clearly necessary of me to address within my internal environment!

But we must not allow that fear to be our dictator, for that would make us cowards and cowards earn slavery for themselves and for their children.

We must be peaceful and enlightened warriors, who are prepared and willing to step through their own fears and into the realisation of their hopes.

I spent a short time last winter working in the camp at Dunkirk and it did at times seem hopeless. There was a moment back there when I lost my internal and my external smile.

But the community got me through, and one man in particular spelt it out to me very clearly what we were actually doing.

We were in the business of injecting hope. He said to me, “this is not a hopeless situation.”

I personally do not believe in hopeless situations, and I forgot myself there for a moment because the magnitude and horror of what is happening in our world today can be overwhelming, yet I have lots of hope and I see within this situation an opportunity.

The spontaneous response of people who have acted out of a pure desire to help others, without thought of what it may cost or gain themselves, has been most humbling and most inspiring to me.

And it is happening across Europe, not just in France but in Greece, in Italy, in Belgium, in Germany, Hungary,...and not just in Europe but also in Syria, in Turkey in Iraq.

Everyday people with the heart and will, standing up and sticking up for everyday people whose hearts and wills are being broken.

This is creating communities of diverse peoples who are looking for practical ways of living together and surviving together with dignity, love and laughter in the face of their grief, loss and the institutional abuses they are suffering.

This is not happening thanks to the Governments and establishment organisations of our world, it is happening in defiance of them!

People are truly the most beautiful and mysterious creatures and if you go over the channel today and see with your eyes the international community of everyday people, from every walk of life and every social strata, that have spontaneously come together to assist those who have been abandoned and abused by our establishment institutions then I assure you that you too will be humbled and inspired.

We can make a difference, each and every one of us. Whoever we are.

We can challenge the popular narrative of the mainstream media moguls who attempt to pollute our minds and hearts with their lies and half truths every day.

We can do this through their own channels, or through the alternative media of this digital age.

We can do this on the streets, in our homes, in our pubs and cafes, school class rooms and work places.

We can educate ourselves, taking responsibility for our own gathering and analysing of information instead of relying on the same old liars and mouthpieces we call the press.

We can find out, speak out against and boycott those companies and their subsidiaries that are raking in huge profits as a direct result of these peoples suffering, and who have no vested interest in there ever being an end to it. Companies like....

  1. 3M
  2. 3i-MIND
  3. 3VR
  4. 3xLOGIC
  5. ABB
  6. Accenture
  7. ACTi Corporation
  8. ADT Security Services
  9. AeroVironment Inc.
  10. Agent Video Intelligence
  11. Airbus Defence and Space
  12. Alcatel-Lucent (Nokia Group)
  14. American Science & Engineering Inc.
  15. Anixter
  16. Aralia Systems
  17. AT&T Inc.
  18. Augusta Systems
  19. Austal
  20. Avigilon Corporation
  21. Aware
  22. Axis
  23. AxxonSoft
  24. Ayonix
  25. BAE Systems
  26. BioEnable Technologies Pvt Ltd
  27. BioLink Solutions
  28. Boeing
  29. Bollinger Shipyards, Inc
  30. Bosch Security Systems
  31. Bruker Corporation
  32. BT
  33. Camero
  34. Cassidian
  35. CelPlan
  36. China Security & Surveillance, Inc.
  37. Cisco Systems
  38. Citilog
  39. Cognitec Systems GmbH
  40. Computer Network Limited (CNL)
  41. Computer Sciences Corporation
  42. CrossMatch
  43. Diebold
  44. DRS Technologies Inc.
  45. DVTel
  46. Elbit Systems Ltd.
  47. Elsag Datamat
  48. Emerson Electric
  49. Ericsson
  50. ESRI
  51. FaceFirst
  52. Finmeccanica SpA
  53. Firetide
  54. Fulcrum Biometrics LLC
  55. G4S
  56. General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc.
  57. General Dynamics Corporation
  58. Getac Technology Corporation
  59. Hanwha Techwin
  60. Harris Corporation
  61. Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  62. Hexagon AB
  63. Honeywell International Inc.
  64. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
  65. IBM
  66. IndigoVision
  67. Intel Security
  68. IntuVision Inc
  69. iOmniscient
  70. IPConfigure
  71. IPS Intelligent Video Analytics
  72. Iris ID Systems, Inc.
  73. IriTech Inc.
  74. Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd.
  75. ISS
  76. L-3 Security & Detection Systems
  77. Leidos, Inc.
  78. Lockheed Martin Corporation
  80. MDS
  81. Mer group
  82. Milestone Systems A/S
  83. Mirasys
  84. Motorola Solutions, Inc.
  85. National Instruments
  86. NEC Corporation
  87. NICE Systems
  88. Northrop Grumman Corporation
  89. Nuance Communications, Inc.
  90. ObjectVideo
  91. Panasonic Corporation
  92. Pelco
  93. Pivot3
  94. Proximex
  95. QinetiQ Limited
  96. Rapiscan Systems, Inc.
  97. Raytheon
  98. Rockwell Collins, Inc.
  99. Safran S.A.
  100. Salient Sciences
  101. Schneider Electric
  102. SeeTec
  103. Siemens
  104. Smart China (Holdings) Limited
  105. Smiths Detection Inc.
  106. Sony Corp.
  107. Speech Technology Center
  108. Suprema Inc.
  109. Synectics Plc
  110. Tandu Technologies & Security Systems Ltd
  111. Texas Instruments
  112. Textron Inc.
  113. Thales Group
  114. Total Recall
  115. Unisys Corporation
  116. Verint
  117. Vialogy LLC
  118. Vigilant Technology
  119. Zhejiang Dahua Technology name just a few examples.

These companies, and others like them, are wringing their hands in anticipation of a rise in the market size of over 240billion USD over the next few years.

While the UK Government makes such absurd statements as All EU national governments should share the burden [of gatekeeping] and contribute to disrupting the activities and destroying the boats and equipment of criminal elements who are the source of much of the migrant crisis, and who are the only party in this crisis to have gained from the suffering of vulnerable people,” - Home Affairs committee.

Conflict of interests? Yeah, you bet. The UK Government has huge interests in the weapons industry as does the UK monarchy. And this so called “homeland security” industry is simply an extension of that and includes all the usual players we find in corrupt, illegal and morally blind arms deals to states that behave without principle and without accountability to the international community time and time again. States like Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, China and the USA - for example.

We can apply massive pressure on the elected representatives of our system of governance.

Writing letters, emails, starting petitions, joining campaigns, going on marches. It isn't futile. It makes a difference. It is a slow process and a difficult one and it requires people with the courage of their convictions to be willing to challenge the state. Even to risk injury or arrest.

Find out who is active in your locality and approach them. Ask them what they need, what you can do.

There is a useful link here to help you do this.....

We can volunteer our time, if we have no money, or our money if we have no time.

So yes I am appealing to you all today because I need your help with this. I have done a little to help where I could, but I have no resources. I have no money. Even so I am helping to organise and create a long term response to this situation in the name of what it means to be a member of the universal community of sentience. If you want to join our effort you can find us on Facebook. We are called “Just People– Refugee Aid”. Or if you want to explore something more local to you then check the extensive list of organisations on the link above.

Just People need volunteers and supporters who understand the urgency of protecting and preserving our environment.

Just People need volunteers and supporters who are passionate enough and awake enough to put themselves out for the sake of others and for the sake of our worlds future.

Our three environments, ecological, social/cultural, and psycho-spiritual need people willing to look honestly and courageously within their own hearts and ask themselves “what am I not doing to make things better?” Our world needs YOU to do something, right NOW!

We need volunteers to join us on a long term aid mission to Europe, and we need innovative minds who care enough about these three interdependent realities to make the effort to offer that help in as low impact and sustainable a way as we can possibly manage.

We need people who can build, create, entertain, comfort, heal, cook, communicate.

We need people who can fundraise, source resources and effectively upcycle and re-use those resources.

We need people who can improvise and adapt in the face of severe challenges and high pressure situations.

We need voices willing to speak up and support our work, and the work of all the activists and volunteers struggling to do the right thing in a very wrong set of circumstances.

We need people to join us in Europe and we need people to support us here in the UK.

We need compassionate people. We need competent people. We need people who care enough to do something about it.

You may feel like there is nothing you can do. I am here to tell you that this is not true. We can all do something, and collectively all those little “somethings” will add up to a better world, both now and in the future.

Our group is called “Just People”, and that is what I know you surely are. And this is what we need.

You can contact the group through Facebook or by email on

you can contact me directly on

Thank you.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

What are you waiting for?

Do Not Hesitate To Live

Do not hesitate to live.

Give in to Life and to Life give,

Every ounce of strength,

Every gram of passion,

Every sticky length,

Every far out fashion.

Do not pause to ponder,

If you are allowed or not!

Do not stress or worry,

On what you have or have not got.

Just remember to be grateful,

For every breath you draw,

When Life takes your breath away,

Cry out for more More MORE!

For one day you'll be leaving Us,

That is guaranteed.

So do not hesitate to live,

Is my advice and creed.

To Build Again (another piece of allegorical flash fiction)

As they followed the ageing grey haired Man of the Hill they took in their surroundings and started to realise the scale of what he had built here, tucked in the rocky mountain's feet away from any prying eyes and any obvious resource that would attract too many visitors. It was huge, almost big enough to be called a town in it's own right. Just how this one man had achieved all this, working alone and from what they'd seen of him using only stone tools and his hands.  He clearly must have had access to an energy source that they didn't understand and could not see. The same question seared through all their minds as they gazed around themselves in awe; how was this possible?

"Welcome to my home." He suddenly announced, waving his right arm back in a grandiose gesture of invitation. "Such, as it is." He added.
"I...I..." Geoff stammered.
"Fuckin' wow!" Said Claire, "how did you find this place?"
"Find it? I was told where to come by the visitors." They all slowly turned their gaze towards him as he continued," When the change came to us all. I was visited by some strange folk. I do not know if they were people from another time, or another place. I am not sure that they were even people as we understand the term.
"I had been living in a shelter I'd bashed together out of bits of wood and tent canvas and the like. They arrived in what I can only describe as a craft made from light. Not solid you understand? Not made from matter as we would make something, but made from light. I can think of no other words to describe what I saw.
" They approached me, seven of them in all. They appeared as humanoid figures yet oversized and somewhat overwhelming in their attractiveness. At first I was afraid of them, yet they soon calmed me without recourse to any words, and then they circled around me and each in their turn came forward and placed first a kiss, and then their finger upon my lips.
The friends had now huddled in close and were listening very attentively. This was what they had all come to find, this was the story from the old man himself, the truth about what had happened here.
"In each kiss, " his eyes glazed as he stared, as if into time itself, and recalled the wonder he had felt. The old man continued " I absorbed a great store of knowledge and wisdom that comes from that 'other' place on the far side of the abyss. There are no words adequate to explain what was transferred to me with each kiss from those beings.
"Yet with each finger that they placed," his tone and countenance darkened as he continued his recount of events "I was restrained, limited, forbidden from communicating, transmitting or recording in any form what they had given me. With that knowledge I am permitted to apply - I have begun to build again."

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

When you stare into the Abyss, the Abyss stares right back into you.

I Looked Into the Abyss and Asked.....

I awoke to the awareness of my own existence.

Marvelled at the infinite forms and manifestations of beauty and horror before and around me.

I heard the clamour and arguments of explanation and found them wanting.

I called out into the Unseen Abyss of the Infinite Mystery,

“What are you?” 

I cried.


My question travelled out into time and space.

For a thousand aeons it reverberated throughout the cosmos,

Caught in the orbit of stars and galaxies for millennia,

Colliding with the debris of long destroyed planets and slingshot free

 Off it went hurtling at trans-dimensional velocity.

Lost within the beauty of nebula for an age beyond counting,

Finding star systems where life thrived,

Mingling and mixing with the forms of intelligence as they emerged from their own primordial slime,

Studying the books and thoughts of countless worlds countless civilisations,

Performed on stages,

Told in jokes,

Discussed in universities,

Fought over in wars,

Bought and sold in markets,

Shared in acts of love and passion,

Witnessed in life and death,

Expressed in the music of the spheres.



 After countless lifetimes and incarnations,

I heard with a voice distinctly not my own,

The answer to my question echoed back across the cosmos to my point in time and space,

From the wisdom of the Unseen Abyss of Infinite Mystery.


It said.

Friday, 15 July 2016

I Weep

I Weep.

Death stalks our streets, death rains from our skies,

Our home destroyed we've no time to cry.

Weep world, weep those tears,

Of the innocent victims,

Of the Innocent dead,

Whose tears were never shed but swallowed up by dread.

We pilot drones, serve command on high,

Protecting nation is duty no cause to cry.

Weep world, weep those tears,

Of the innocence lost

Of the internal cost

Whose tears were trapped inside by nationalistic pride.

Family taken by waves at sea,

Does the world shed even one tear for me?

Weep world, weep those tears,

That cried from babes

That no one saved

Tears that failed to meet intended ears.

There's no room here and no jobs,

We can't take in all these desperate yobs.

Weep world, weep those tears,

As your souls become corrupted

By creatures thought constructed

Weep for the blood that every dollar costs.

The vampryic over-lords now grinning,

While politicians hands keep wringing,

All the starry heavens are singing....

Weep world, weep those tears,

Every life that calls you home

Every child born of your sphere

How long must they continue weeping here?

Monday, 11 July 2016

What am I grateful for?

The Paradox of Gratitude in a Burning World

It can be difficult to remember to say “thank you” to this Universe.

Living as we do on this little sphere of rock, water and gas in the face of Infinite Mystery can be a tad overwhelming at times.

Watching the suffering of millions unfold before our eyes, feeling frustrated at the machinations of thought forms, and projections of our own shadow, run amok with violent intentions and cruel policies, can be depressing and scary.

Watching myself fail to live up to my own standards time and time again.

Seeing and hearing the fear and hatred in people's hearts and minds, spoken in vicious words and performed through murderous actions.

Feeling deep in the core of my being the pain of our Mother Planet groaning under the strain of sustaining Her unruly children as they make this transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Chemtrails full of noxious dust filling our skies and nobody seeming to know why they are being injected into them, or admitting responsibility for I grateful for that?

Seeing people who are supposed to be the protectors of Truth and Justice and the family of Humanity act in a way that serves only to sabotage the meaning and reality of these I grateful for that?

Watching as bodies, in their hundreds, keep washing up on the shores of Europe.....watching as those trained and employed to protect the rights and safety of the people become murderers, with impunity, of black people....seeing the reality of children being bought and sold to serve the unrestrained and perverted desires of people whose predatory instincts are out of control....watching hell-fire being launched and dropped from the skies onto whole cities of people and knowing that behind that display of incendiary magnificence is a world of pain, death and grief....knowing that I am contributing to these things simply by existing within a system of control and manipulation that it seems almost impossible to escape from....can I honestly say I am grateful for these things?

What kind of heartless monster could do so?

A man of faith?

Am I honestly grateful for the personal challenges in my life? Am I grateful for this blight of addiction that has dogged every step of my journey through life, and continues to hold me back from being the creature and creator I know myself to be?

Am I grateful for the pain that courses through my body and soul on a daily basis?

Am I grateful for the amount of effort it takes to convince people to part with a pound to help save lives, when they part with hundreds and thousands every day just to convenience their own, to indulge their desires?

Am I grateful for the loss of relationships with people whom I love?

When I hear that my friends, who have already suffered so much, continue to suffer at the hands of, and be in constant danger from, unreasonable authority and criminal mentality?

Am I grateful?

Difficult isn't it?

Yet I say “Thank You” to That Which Is (whatever you conceive That to be) every day.

Not for the pain of others, or the suffering or death of others. Not for the confusion and emotional turmoil of those I care so deeply about. Not for the pain and struggle of my Mother Planet and Her Children.

I say “Thank You” because I have been given another day in this time and place. Another day to breathe the rare atmosphere of this beautiful world. Another day to enjoy the companionship of the most amazing and mysterious creatures....

I have been given another day in which to shine, and express my heart, and seize every opportunity to make the experience of life both joyous and desirable.

Another day in which to be this “me” that I seem to be. Another day to get it right.

Given the unavoidable fact that one fine morning I won't be here, on this planet, or in this life. One fine day I won't awaken to these apparent realities. A morning will dawn when this mental construct called “Alan” will be over.....

...given these facts, and given this situation in which we find ourselves and the opportunity it presents for us to determine and choose what it means to be a living being in a beautiful and mysterious can I not be grateful?

Love Courage and Strength to you all.



Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Are we all not Just People?

Hello to you all.

Many of you who do me the honour of reading these intermittent blog posts will know from previous entries that I am involved and committed to doing humanitarian work as a response to the current refugee crisis Europe, and the world, is facing.

You can read about the time I spent in Dunkirk earlier this year in some of the posts on this blog, and you can probably tell from the nature of those posts how much this work has effected me emotionally, and how dedicated I have become to continuing in this work.

All of the work I do in this context, along with many folk some of whom I count as close friends, is voluntary. We do not get paid, or draw any kind of salary. Many of us have lost jobs, savings and benefit claims to this work. And yet we go on. Because we feel it is the right thing to do. Our Governments won't do it. The big NGO's are struggling to do it. Therefore it is down to us, the people, to do it.

One thing I realised from my work in Dunkirk was that if we are going to be of genuine help and support to these displaced people, then we need to able to offer a sustainable long term effort. It is with this in mind that I have joined forces with some like minded people and we are attempting to put just such a long term humanitarian aid project together, on a grass-roots non profit basis.

We are called "Just People".

You can contact this group  on Facebook at this link.

To make this project sustainable in the long term we are going to need all kinds of support. One of these is financial and there is a link to our crowdfunder here:

Of course we will need ongoing funding support but our target of £2000 is for seed money to get the essentials in place.

If you think you can help us in any other way (for instance with equipment for our crews, aid items for the people we are going to help, social media promotion or as a volunteer yourself) then there are a number of ways you can get in touch with us.

You can use the facebook link above.

You can email us at:

Or you can phone our UK number 07581018079.

If you are going to any festivals this summer then look out for us as we will be recruiting support at some of these.

Peace and plenty to you all


Monday, 30 May 2016

The dichotomy of political identity as a tool of division.

The Dichotomy of Political Identity as a Tool of Division

People really seem to need labels don't they?

I find myself constantly struggling with this fixation and constantly having to check myself with regard to the labels I accept being pinned onto myself, and the labels I pin on others. Some folk are convinced, for instance, that I am a Socialist, or Anarchist, or Conspiracy Theorist, and at times I have accepted one or more of these labels in a futile attempt to be understood by anyone but myself. I have also worn the labels of "Christian", "Junkie", "Thief", "Beggar", "Mystic" & "ET Contact Experiencer".

I habitually wear the label of "Alan".

Do any of these terms fully identify or define who or what this "I" is?

In the current geopolitical climate here on Earth it is becoming apparent that the old left-right divide is once again threatening to plunge us all into ever deeper and more destructive conflicts.

So if that dynamic were to break out into a violent struggle, would you identify with one side or the other and feel justified in picking up the gun?

If you did would that earn you the label of "freedom fighter", "terrorist" or "murderer"?

Are you a “loony lefty” or a “fascist bastard”? 

Do you have to be one or the other?

Are we all not simply humans, are we all not just people?

Let me state here and now that I do not consider myself to be someone with a political agenda. Everything I do and every struggle I engage with is, for me, completely A-Political. The big questions always are.

But what do I mean by this?

It is very simple. Questions about the nature of existence and what is right and what is wrong are actually very simple when you take the time to reflect on them with internal honesty.

Should we kill people? I would say it's an emphatic no. Nobody has the right to take another's life away. Ever.

I find it ridiculous and absurd when people talk to me about the necessity of war and offer political justifications for organised murder.

If I were to visit the home of some family and plant a bomb in it, I would be considered the worst kind of criminal. Yet this is happening in our world right now and all the while people try to politicise it. People are justifying such murderous acts with political arguments.

Should we knowingly pollute and poison our bio-sphere? Is there a political reason why such a course of action is justified? No, of course not!

If I was to go down to my local riverside park and pour gallons of lethal chemical waste into the water I would be prosecuted and reviled. And yet political arguments abound for the continued conspicuous consumption of Earth's natural resources in an unsustainable fashion along with the wilful pollution of the seas, rivers, soil, air and food on which we all rely.

Should we profit from the misery, desperation, or vulnerability of others? No.

If I was to profit from the sale of poisons and addictive substances that I know my customers neither need nor are they able to control their intake of I would become a social pariah very quickly; likewise if I was to profit from selling weapons to people with an agenda of intimidation, and exploitation. Unless of course I work for an arms company, tobacco giant or brewery!

If I then stood up in court and attempted to offer a political justification for any of these acts I would be considered ridiculous, arrogant and probably deluded. Yet this is what the political and economical institutions of this world have always been doing and are continuing to do right now.

They justify organised murder, they justify sexual oppression, they justify torture, the destruction of people's homes and the wholesale theft of people's resources, the destruction and pollution of our collective environment, the enslavement and exploitation of people and animals ... they justify all these things and more with political arguments and political rhetoric.

And it's not just the big institutions that are guilty of this politicising of the basic ethics of sentience and self awareness.....

We all shrug our shoulders or shake our heads and adopt the role of helpless bystanders in the face of such absurdities. We tolerate their arguments, we accept their lies and we resign ourselves to their actions as “inevitable”. Just the way it is.

It is the way it is because we comply, because we are not prepared to suffer any personal inconvenience or sacrifice our freedom to choose from 30 different brands of this or that poison or unnecessary plastic crap.

We will defend this illusion of freedom to the hilt. We allow our "representatives" to order the murder of children in their homes for the sake of it. We condone and support slave industries for the sake of it. We allow our seas to be fished quite literally to death for the sake of it. We allow our land and our air to be poisoned before our eyes and we do and say nothing because we know the comfort of such "freedom of  consumer choice" is at risk if we seek radical change.

We turn a blind eye to the oppression and subjection and murder of a people because of it.

The clothes you are wearing right you know or care about the conditions under which they were produced?

The electricity powering your computer as you read this....any thoughts on the implications of how this is produced, distributed and monetized?

The cocaine we sniff, the cigarettes we smoke, the non-indigenous foods we enjoy, the detergents in our washing machines, the products we wash with, the vehicles we drive, the mobile phones and laptops we depend on.....ever stop to wonder what exploitation, pollution and  warfare was required to get these things in front of you?

Does it matter?


I know this blog post won't make me popular but I don't care about that. Unlike some local public figures I do not feel the need to be popular. I do feel the need to be honest, with myself and with you.

I found myself this last week in the peculiar position of feeling the urge to defend the rights of right wing extremists in my city.

Now don't get me wrong. I loathe the fear-warmongering hate talk and militant nationalism of these people as much as anyone, and I dearly love living in Leicester, a city with a strong tradition and long history of multi-cultural co-existence, tolerance and socialism in action.

I read on another blog ( that these Britain First people thought it appropriate to try and intimidate and bully some of my friends into leaving the town centre, and for this behaviour they should rightly be condemned. Violence and intimidation should have no role to play in public political debate and those that resort to such tactics must be held to account.

However, I wonder if the actions of this week were a victory for a healthy democracy? A victory for a progressive society?

In standing up for the truth of concepts such as freedom, compassion, love and the family of sentience can we allow ourselves to give full vent to our anger and hatred towards those who do not understand or are not aware of these truths? Truths we may consider sacred and self evident?

In defending the rights of the oppressed do we justify becoming oppressors ourselves?

I'm not saying we shouldn't react when hate, fear and militarism is being espoused on our streets. We should react. But we should do so mindful of the fact that human rights are inalienable and belong to everyone, even those who would deny us our own, and this is where I know that many folk will disagree with me.

However in my heart I feel this to be the truth and let me tell you why.

For all our known and recorded history the human species, has been at war with itself. We are constantly at war with our own nature and we express this by identifying ourselves into tribal groups and then vilifying people we identify as belonging to another group. We do it with concepts such as "national identity", "racial identity", "religious identity", "gender identity" and yes "political identity" also. We assume ourselves to be right and these "others" to be wrong, thus these "others" are the problem and "we" are the remedy for that problem.

I imagine that the de-population agenda started with this kind of thinking. Certainly it is the pre-requisite for genocide.

The reality I am seeing more and more clearly is that there are no "others" that are the problem. We are all a part of the problem and we are all a part of the solution, and we need to realise this urgently before we cause our own extinction through ever increasing self destructive patterns of personal, political and ecological behaviours.

The problem is the human condition and it's propensity towards self deception, selfish gratification and mental slavery.

The problem is our conviction that "we" are anything other than "them" with a slightly different face.

No I do not feel the need to be popular. What I do need however, is a world where we, who are all just people when all is said and done, can co-exist with our differences intact but mindfully aware moment by moment of the essential sameness we all share. Aware of the pain, suffering and conflict our words and actions cause to be. When we allow ourselves to hate the haters, we are not winning any victory over them, we are simply becoming them. The language may differ, the focus may not be the same but hate is hate and it is pollution of the soul.

I won't allow hate to enter into my own being. I have no place inside for it. We will not transform this world into one where peaceful co-existence is the norm and violent oppression the aberration if we allow ourselves to continue seeing those with whom we struggle to relate as “others”.

Whatever reductionist label you limit yourself with, whatever reductionist label people identify themselves as....we are all just people and we all need, bleed, grieve and fear the same. 

There really are no “others” in this universe....There is only “Us”.

There will be no peace on Earth until we realise this.

In the words of Buddha....

Hatred does not cease by hatred; by love alone it ceases. This is an eternal law”